Saturday 17 December 2011


"No, those things don't happen anymore! Your with God now" has to be one of the biggest lies I can say I've found since being with God. 
But what differentiates one person from another is the way that they deal with it, I learnt this today!
We will always be watched, whether we are with God or not but how do we act when we know we are being watched? Do we be ourselves and not care or change to satisfy the tongue of whose that watch..
This was a problem for me. I am the kind of person who cannot stand the idea of people looking and watching me, I would subconsciously not act like myself, out of fear or judgement thinking "If I do this, they will think that, no let me be like this". What a wrong mentality! I know some people don't care less, but I always have until the funniest thing happened...
Someone I'm close to told me something I supposedly did or something that "apparently" happened to me, and it didn't! Lol. It wasn't true and automatically I saw the same old thoughts coming, "that's the way people see you, blah blah blah" so I stopped and thought. 
If I know that these things aren't true, why would I care? Asking myself if what was said was relevant or not. How can I let someones opinions or random thoughts try and dictate my life? It makes no sense! So I took it in and then politely asked that if something about me is said and its not relevant or going to help me, I would prefer not to hear. 
Too much talking doesn't benefit anyone and some or even most of the time we are the one's talking and not thinking about the person on the retrieving end. 
So this is for me, as well as anyone else to think before we speak, I've been on the other side and trust me, its not nice! If it took me this long to re-focus, it can take others longer also.
P.S: I'm happy now because I believe that the things I need to change are being revealed and I'm not ashamed to admit and expose them! I wouldn't be proud to ignore but just wise to discern!
I am a work in progress
(For the Amazing Glory of My God!)

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