Thursday 28 June 2012

When a Dream looks like a Dream

I don't know about you, but I have dreams. These dreams I think about everyday and everynight, and sometimes they seem as if they will always be a dream and never a reality..

I think to myself, what can I do to achieve my dreams and begin to work towards them, then an obstacle will come in the way to make me loose sight of my dream, but I don't. 
The more obstacles come, and the more things come in my way, it becomes so easy to think if these dreams will ever really come true, and this was my situation..
Until a good friend of mine shared with me her dream which was now becoming a reality in her life, after years of fights, discouragement and looking as if it would never happen for her, I found myself completely understanding when she said to me "For a moment I gave up, until I remembered what God wanted for me so I fighted". This to me was something so strong and I could relate to, because when you fight for something for so long and see yourself moving and then having to deal with something that takes away your intention, the devil comes with everything for you to loose track of what your fighting for. 

I remembered who put the dream in my heart in the first place.. And if He put it there its because its something I can achieve, and if this is the case I need to fight even stronger than before!

There are times in life when we are going through a situation and we look around and think that we are the only ones going through it, or no-one understands and most of the time we are wrong! Some people have been through it and made it like my friend who came me this word, others go through it and have given up when the pressure increased, and others are in the same boat as you and don't know what to do but the one thing we all have in common: God promised that He would never leave us alone, so who cares! 
Who cares if we think we're alone, we're not! God said in His word, He cannot lie, so finished! 

We are the ones that have the tools to overcome and to have our dream become our reality, even when it seems it can never happen. We decide whether our dreams will be our reality, or we can give up and blame it on everything around us. 

I've made my choice, have you?

Watch this space... :)

"Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart"  - Psalms 37:4


  1. Thanks Anneka, That was very inspirational. I too can relate to that.

    Carole Basseck

  2. My dream is now partly my reality!!! Lool
