Monday 12 December 2011

The Odd one Out

Have you guys ever felt like the odd one out?
You know that feeling where you want to be there but don't feel as if you belong there? I have, many times!
I've been with my friends and everyone is laughing at a joke that I don't find funny, and when I don't laugh they think something is wrong, when really I just don't think its that funny! (lol)
Or when your in a lesson and you either really understand what your being taught and love it and everyone else is confused or your the confused one!
Either way, with being the odd one out there's always a price to pay.. Most people would rather pay the price to blend in then be indifferent and stand out and this is exactly what its like when your with God.
When you are, you don't care if you stick out like a sore thumb, you do what you need to do because you know who your doing it for, and you don't need to blend in with everyone else. Lets just be proud being who we are because that;s when we please God, when we care about what He thinks above what man does..

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