Friday 28 December 2012

Practise what you preach love!

Lool, even the titile of this blog makes me laugh, and its because its just so funny!
I mean think about it, really think about it.. How many times are we quick to mkae comments about other people or cannot wait to offer someone advice on something! Even waiting after the meeting, making eye contact so the perosn know we want to speak to them and offer adviice, but when it comes to us..
All of a sudden its a different story! Lol
But its not!!!!
Why is it so hard to take our own advice, or some people don't like anyone's advice fullstop.

I was just reading over some of my old blogs and thinking that I need to remember and enforce some of the previous things more than I have been..

This is my task and I sugguest you do the same, we learn together, so lets do it!

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