Thursday 2 February 2012

Self Discipline

How many times is it easier to take the option that is easier for you? 
I learnt this the other day and wanted to share with you all..
Without even realising on a daily basis we need to make many choices, and the outcome will determine the result of our lives right? 
So how to know when we are pleasing God or pleasing our flesh?
If what we do allows us to stay in our comfort zone, with no attempt of any real effort we find that we are pleasing our flesh. If we are constantly pleasing our flesh, we are not pleasing our spirit
When we do things that allow us to come out of our comfort zone and really push us, has somewhat form of sacrifice we know that we are not pleasing our flesh but we are pleasing God.
This however is not the case for all things! 

There needs to be a balance, we should live with the right amount of both. Not constantly doing things that are hard for us so we don't ever relax and bring results to our body that could of been avoided, but at the same time to not allow our body and flesh dictate what we will do. 

We need to be wise, and above all make sure that our choices are bringing forth a good profit.

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