Wednesday 25 April 2012

But.. What if I'm not the one?

How many times has one of these thoughts came to you:

Maybe God doesn't want to really use me..

I'm not good enough

I'm not as good as this person

I have so many mistakes, how can I be used by God?

I'm not ready to serve God

I don't "feel" up to it

And so on and so on..

I know this all too well as it has happened to me before aswell. So how to know whether God wants you use us? Well its simple!

Everytime a thought comes, the word of God aswell.
If something tells me that I can't, I look in the Word of God where it is says "All things are possible for those who believe"(Mark 9:26)
When the thought comes to tell me that God isn't with me, "God is with you as long as you are with Him"
 If I don't feel good enough, "The heart is deceitful above all things, who could know it? Jer 17:9

And I can go and on..

Okay so I might not be perfect, the best at everything  but I am willing to sacrifice my all in order to be a vessel in God's hands, so I will not allow anything to stop me from being used.

Many are called, but we make ourselves chosen. So lets not allow anything the devil throws in our way to stop us, If god is with us, who can possibly be against us?


1 comment:

  1. Its amazing how God believes in us so much, the looks beyond the flaws and faults and sees what we can become. We just have to believe more in ourselves.
