Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Best way to start your day!


I want to share with you a direction I got on Sunday..

We all have things to do, 
  • Studying
  • Work
  • Cleaning
  • Church stuff
  • And the list goes on... 
But before we even do these things, the best way to start is with something spiritual. I don't just mean a prayer necessarily but something else. Prayer is something we are used to doing, how about reading a blog, listening to a service online, meditating on a verse, reading part of a book before doing all the things we have to do. It will make a difference to our day and even in the spirit that we do the things in, because we will already have those messages in our heads and there is no space for the devil to bring things to our minds as they will already be filled with the things of God.

I'm the kind of person that when I'm doing something like studying , I don't like doing it in silence. I like to listen or watch something as well, and feeding myself with spiritual things allows me to work better.

So how about you? What are you like?

Think, and act! 

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