Friday 8 February 2013

The Work of God Series - Part 3

Like I said previously..
I didn't know what to do, until I remembered something that changed everything!

"Aneeka, why are you here? Are you not here to serve Me? Stop trying to do everything yourself, and remember that your strength comes from Me, NOT YOU!!!"

It was soo strong at the time, let me paint the scene..

The more things I did, the more trouble I would get into, the more everyone around me had something to say, instead of passing faith, making me feel worse. I was looking too much at the situation, and I wasn't using ALL of my mind, resulting in me being
Yes, I admit. I was being emotional.
Me not thinking everything through led me to being emotional. Then because of this, I starte to think I wasn't good enough, I wasn't meant to be here,etc. 

So how did I change the situation?

Find out in the next part!

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