Wednesday 10 April 2013

Day 17

I can't believe that the 21day is almost over!

I am still filling my bag, everyday as I don't want to leave anything behind. During this time, God has shown me some things, and the main thing that is a constant occurrence is TIME.

The way I spend my time, don't get me wrong, I'm not a time waster, I have a time for EVERYTHING, if you look at my phone you will see my alarm go off when its time to move on to the next task, but I've noticed that God likes spontaneity! Aneeka, what do you mean?

I mean like this..
Your at school/college/uni/work, and your doing your work, concentrating on what your doing and you stop everything, go to the bathroom and start seeking God, telling Him how much you need Him and how you want Him to take full control over your day! Now tell me, do you think that God wouldn't like it? Or He just prefers that routine prayer you make every morning and evening? It shows that it doesn't matter where you are, and what your doing, He is priority in your life, and you make it known.

This is just one, of many examples I can think of to describe how random actions can please our God.

I've learnt over these past few weeks that God likes it when I do these things, as I'm not just saying with my mouth that I love Him, but I'm showing it, and this is something I want to do more of.

I want to take more time, random time to spend and speak to God, to be constantly connected to Him in my thoughts, my spirit to show that He to me is NOT my rest, but my best and my all.

Now what about you?

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