Tuesday 9 April 2013

How I can become Special

Around 3 weeks ago, before the 21days was announced, I was on my to meet someone and was just thinking.. How can I make a difference? What kind of person is special before the eyes of God?

I didn't want to be the same, or one more so I began to think, and ended up composing this list I'd like to share with you today:

- Does everything, no matter how small with their best
- Does the things that no-one thinks of
- Does everything in spirit - connected to God
- Thinks about what they do before they do it
- Fight for those that are given into their hands with their all
- Gives value to the spiritual things above the physical
- Doesn't fight to please/show man
- Does things in private, not to do to show or make shown
- Is Obedient
- Does more than what is expected, or told to them
- Always pushes themselves to do more, breaks their limits
- Never comfortable with their situation
- Never stops challenging God
- Stays in the first love! (Favourite! <3)
- Doesn't look at others
- Depends only on God
- Doesn't wait to be given the direction by the leadership
- Does what is required of them in the best way possible

This is my checklist, use it too!
Got anything to add? Leave your in comments x

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